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Hızlı Tren Tekerlerinde Oluşan Buzlanmaya Karşı Yerli Çözüm

Türkiye’de yüksek hızlı trenlerin tekerlek sistemlerinde oluşan don olayına…
TOYKA Elektromekanik Müh. Müş. Ltd.Şti. 2025
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Toyka Electromechanical was established in 2009. 

As a leading company in the railway sector, Toyka provides comprehensive services and products to enhance safety and efficiency. 

Its main activities include the installation, operation, and maintenance of HighSpeed Train Deicing Anti Icing Systems, Locomotive Maintenance Services, Wheelset Maintenance Services, Manufacturing, installation, and maintenance of Railway Workshop Equipment, and manufacturing of Spare Parts for the railway industry.

In addition, Toyka also conducts research and development activities in the fields of Environmental Technologies, Chemical Plants, and Defense Industry.

The most significant difference of our company compared to its competitors is its commitment to quality policy. We strive to ensure that the facilities or units we establish operate smoothly and at high efficiency by closely monitoring all service requirements and maintenance throughout their operational life. In addition to these efforts, our company is dedicated to providing solutions tailored to the needs of our customers. We prioritize Research and Development (R&D), closely following new technologies with our design team. With a young and dynamic workforce, we continuously strive to improve and renew ourselves.

Meeting the expectations of our customers and consistently maintaining the "quality" image within the company is one of our fundamental goals. Another crucial aspect of our quality philosophy is occupational health and safety, and various initiatives are undertaken in this regard. 

As a company, we continuously strive to enhance customer satisfaction by meticulously evaluating customer expectations and consistently improving our products. The high standards of quality we maintain instill confidence in our customers regarding the reliability and performance of our products. 

Furthermore, with our sensitivity to occupational health and safety, we take various measures to protect the health and safety of our employees. Our occupational health and safety policies aim to create safe working environments and educate our employees on this matter. 

In this context, we aim to continuously improve our quality and safety standards by adhering to the principle of continuous improvement. Our company aspires to have a successful quality management system by adhering to high standards in customer satisfaction and employee health. 

Our company holds the following quality certifications:

  • ISO 9001-2015 (Quality Management System)
  • ISO 14001-2015 (Environmental Management System)
  • ISO 45001 – 2018 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System)
  • EN 15085/2 - (Competence Certificate for Railway Vehicle Manufacturing)
  • ECM (Entity In Charge of Maintenance)

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